Saturday, November 7, 2015

In the Spirit of Giving

I am typically not one who embraces Christmas before Thanksgiving.  I've worked in the retail industry for most of my life, and if there is one thing that retail can ruin, it's the holiday season.  However, the true spirit of the holidays, the spirit of giving, has been something that inspires me year round.

Today is Double Up Donation Day with NaNoWriMo.  They have created incentives and prizes, and there's an entire online community getting into the spirit of giving.  And I have to imagine that while a few are like me, and happily take the prizes, we are still there for the real reason.  We are there to help others and to keep this wonderful tradition going strong.

Double-Up Donation Day 2015

To keep with the spirit, I decided to just treat today as a Donation Day.  In that spirit, I donated to the World Wildlife Foundation for no other reason than that it was a good thing to do.  I'm also a fan of matching donations, and so I will henceforth dedicate the proceeds from my NaNoWriMo winning book Caitiff Academy: The Tigress to the process that helped create it.  

When the holidays get closer, I know I'll be one to drop dollars into the Salvation Army bins, buy a toy or two for children, and otherwise do what I can.  I am not so financially lush that I can give enormous amounts, but I know that if we could all just give a little, a few lives can be made that much easier.  Whether that is a struggling student or an endangered species, here's hoping that we can all remember the spirit of giving, no matter what time of year it is.

In the spirit of the randomness that started this blog, tomorrow I will recap why Smart Cars are not meant to go off-roading.  

Until then:

Keep on, keeping on...
L.E. Gibler

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