Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Update Volume 2

The great wide world of self publishing is a massive Catch 22.  On the one hand, a desire to be published can drive an author to send their fledgling creation out into the world.  On the other, any chance of success in this cut throat world is entirely dependent on a plan, and money, preferably lots of it.  I will freely admit to being one such conundrum.  In a fierce desire to have some sense of accomplishment, I have entered the fray of self publishing.  Two books are out there, for the world to see.  And please stay with me on the following (shameless) plug:

The Other Side of the Looking Glass

( http://www.amazon.com/Other-Looking-Glass-World-Walkers/dp/1499573510/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1412114907&sr=8-1&keywords=l.e.+gibler )

Caitiff Academy: The Tigress

( http://www.amazon.com/Caitiff-Academy-Tigress-L-E-Gibler/dp/1502544431/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1412114907&sr=8-3&keywords=l.e.+gibler )
(Both available on Amazon)

So, back to the point at hand.  For those who crack, give up on big contracts just to feel a sense of accomplishment, the real world is out there waiting to remind us of our own smallness.  There is a certain feeling that comes with being an author, a feeling of being a part of another world. And that can be a powerful feeling.  Then, when the glow wears off, you begin to realize just what a small fish in a big pond you are.  However, I do feel a sense of accomplishment.  Without the availability of my own money, I will stay just that, a small fish, but at the same time, all seven copies are seven more than it was a year ago.  So, success, and yet still so much further to go.

Another funny point about self publishing: how many others just like you there are out in the world.  Funnier still, how they all seem to find you on Twitter.  So tip of my hat to all of those struggling just like me.  May we keep on keeping on.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Updates Volume 1

And so another day, another check list that will no doubt prove too long to accomplish in a mere twenty four hours.  

On the bright side, I have been struggling mightily with Lulu.com and the formatting of my cover, complete with the perfect image for my second book, Caitiff Academy: The Tigress.  (Shameless plug?  Maybe)  I switched over to Createspace, and viola.  In a simple morning at Starbucks, the groundwork is already laid, and I'm well on my way to where I want to be.  

I like to consider myself a realist.  I am not looking to publish the next great American novel, or to snag a massive contract, but I absolutely love the feeling of accomplishment that comes with knowing that something I created is out there for the world to see.  Would it hurt my feelings if a lot of people appreciated my work and bought in bulk? Absolutely not, I'm a realist not an idiot.  And no, this time, that was not a plug, just an observation.  I'm not publishing to make money, I'm doing it to feel like I've done something.  And you know what?  It's working.

Now, with November on the horizon, I am positively giddy at the opportunity to continue my new NaNoWriMo tradition and write book #2 in the series in a meager 30 days.  Last year I wrote book one in eight, so I think I should be fine.

As always, feedback is welcome.  Surely there are more people out there in the world with experiences to be shared. Until then, keep rambling on.

Friday, September 26, 2014

With a Purpose

Rambling With a Purpose

So, thanks to the support and continued reminding (sort of like nagging, only much nicer), of my friends (shout out particularly to Jackie and Wendy) I can finally say I am a published author!!! And also a huge thanks to those who have already purchased my book.  It is such an odd, wonderful feeling to finally say I am an author when people ask what I do for a living.  Or I say I am a riding instructor, but saying I write and ride is so confusing.  Saying I ride and am an author, doesn't that just sound so much less so?  (input your own level of sarcasm)

As to the rest of the world, may I just say that while I love my family, it is incredibly stressful to have them visit.  Why do we all have to be worried about the state of our silver for family?  For visiting celebrities or dignitaries, yes, that might make sense,  but my family should be well aware  by now that my priorities are out in a barn and what goes on in the house is a long distant second.

In other news, my second book is now in the hands of my unofficial publicist.  After she reads through, and I make corrections, it will be out there for the whole wide world to see.  Not to mention book number three is in the formatting stages.  I don't know how the rest of the self publishing world has operated, but I have found that CreateSpace is far more user friendly than Lulu.  So, going forward, look for me on Amazon!  (And, yes, that was a shameless plug)

In the meantime, here's to many more rambles with no rhyme or reason.

Why I Write: Part I

For the last few months, nearly a year in fact, I've been struggling like I never have before with my writing.  The months spent buried ...