Sunday, September 28, 2014

Updates Volume 1

And so another day, another check list that will no doubt prove too long to accomplish in a mere twenty four hours.  

On the bright side, I have been struggling mightily with and the formatting of my cover, complete with the perfect image for my second book, Caitiff Academy: The Tigress.  (Shameless plug?  Maybe)  I switched over to Createspace, and viola.  In a simple morning at Starbucks, the groundwork is already laid, and I'm well on my way to where I want to be.  

I like to consider myself a realist.  I am not looking to publish the next great American novel, or to snag a massive contract, but I absolutely love the feeling of accomplishment that comes with knowing that something I created is out there for the world to see.  Would it hurt my feelings if a lot of people appreciated my work and bought in bulk? Absolutely not, I'm a realist not an idiot.  And no, this time, that was not a plug, just an observation.  I'm not publishing to make money, I'm doing it to feel like I've done something.  And you know what?  It's working.

Now, with November on the horizon, I am positively giddy at the opportunity to continue my new NaNoWriMo tradition and write book #2 in the series in a meager 30 days.  Last year I wrote book one in eight, so I think I should be fine.

As always, feedback is welcome.  Surely there are more people out there in the world with experiences to be shared. Until then, keep rambling on.

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