Saturday, October 11, 2014

Like a Beacon...

"Like a beacon in the cold dark night...

So, having decided in the last few months to fully embrace being an author, I also decided to embrace a writers' conference, the Rivers of Ink.  I have to admit to some last minute jitters.  After all, anyone who considers themselves a writer is probably going to be quick to admit that we're not the most social of groups.  By nature, we are introverts.  I imagine those writers who are extroverts are exceptions to the rule.  

...told you everything would turn out right...

For me, personally, my writing was something personal.  This isn't to say that when I write I bare some sort of dark secret of my soul, it just means that when I write, my characters are a part of me, and like a mother seeing her children off to their first day of school, the idea is quite terrifying.  Filled with such trepidation, I went with very low expectations.  Instead, I learned a great many tidbits, not necessarily what I had been hoping for, but valuable all the same.  I'll transcribe my notes for my next blog to give those tidbits to others, without giving away trade secrets.  I'll give my impressions, not what was specifically told.  And helpful websites as well.  We all sort of promised... don't lose hope...

The biggest takeaway I had from it all was that the author's themselves oftentimes joined in on the classes they weren't teaching.  This was probably the coolest part, and I got to sit and learn how to attack people, complete with demonstrations.  To know that these people, successful in a field I wish to be moderately successful in as well, are always searching for ways to continue their own education.  That, to me, meant the most, and it made me realize we are none of us ever done with learning.  And so I must take a humble step backwards and ask for help before boldly striding forward again.

...keep your eyes on the skies...

Just to try and keep a theme going, I will reiterate what I said in my last post that had to do with the self publishing market: the first person to message me with the movie that I am paraphrasing the sound track of this month, I will send you a free copy of my book:Caitiff Academy: The Tigress.  And seriously, don't just Google it.  I'm paraphrasing for a reason.  And as a hint, its not one of the better known animated films of a certain powerhouse.  We are all still capable of problem solving, trust me.

Until next time.

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